Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου 2013


Hello! That's my very own blog. I thought I should have one and why not? Well, the real question is "why yes?". Why should you bother to read it? You shouldn't. So if you're looking for somewhere to blow off some steam from that time you were beat at school, turn elsewhere and have a nice day, thank you.
 Why did I bother to write it though? I just love a blank paper (or screen). I feel the urge to fill it.With myself. Writing is an extremly egotistical habbit. You never write for others, you write for yourself. " Myself" is a normal fellow with normal tastes and a normal life. The only extreme about me is my mood swings. Then again, I was never considered normal so either me or society have got that word wrong.
 What's this blog about then? About stuff from ends so extreme as those mood swings. Religion and politics, pet peeves and things I adore, real stories, fictional stories (sometimes they are more "real"), movies and comics (yessir), music and Iron Maiden (a lot. You are warned). It might get messy in here...
I apologise to those who came here for cricket, the sport. Sports is something you most likely won't find here at all, let alone cricket which is virtually non-existent in Greece. Rather, the name is about the cricket from Pinocchio, the personification of the boy's conscience and conscience is responsible for the great and sometimes the terrible things we do.
 So, until next time, live long and prosper, up the Irons and God bless. Hey, I told you it might get messy...

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